The phrase “Quarantine 15” has been spreading quickly these past couple of months. In case you are not familiar with the expression, it’s the estimated amount of weight gain in pounds that people will experience during the lockdown.
That’s scary! 15 pounds of weight gain in just a few weeks and the prospect of it hanging around for a number of weeks after the lockdown is over…
It appears that time was never really the problem when it comes to being consistent with your fitness.
Motivation, it turns out, hasn’t soared during the lockdown either, and it seems like people are using this time to either get super consistent with fitness… or not do anything at all.
And I am not saying that the latter is necessarily a bad thing. Although this is the perfect time to reinvent yourself through your nutrition and fitness, if your head isn’t in the game because you are extremely anxious about the future, then you are better off doing something that relaxes you.
Sometimes we don’t realize how easy it is to get fit with just the weight of your body – no gyms required.

And the truth is that you can get great workouts in without ever leaving your home… which has been rather important these past few months! You see, space wise, if you can fit a yoga mat in any area of your home, you have enough room to exercise.
Just because we have been confined to within our four walls, it does not mean we are reduced to zero activity. There is plenty that you can do at home and revisiting the basics is often a great place to start.
In fact, if you were to start exercising now with commitment and purpose, you could very well come out of this lockdown in better shape than you were before.
So, I’m making this as simple as possible for you.
I am throwing you a challenge: my “No Quarantine 15” Fitness Challenge to help you shed any weight that you have gained in the past few weeks.

What is the No Quarantine 15 Fitness Challenge?
It’s simply an exercise schedule for the next 31 days that will help you build strength and burn fat at the same time.
All you have to do is complete 4 different bodyweight exercises with ascending reps, meaning each day for the next 31 days you add one repetition to each exercise. So if on day 1 you were to do 4 pushups, on day 2 you are going to do 5, on day 3 you will do 6 and so on until you reach day 31.
By the end of the month, you’ll have quite a workout to complete, but you’ll have built up to it gradually. Literally, 1 extra rep at the time.
Of course, if you enjoy using weights feel free to add them to your workout for extra ooomph (and extra burn)!
I cannot wait to hear how it goes!
I prepared a calendar with the workouts and the number of recommended reps from day 1 onto day 31 for you. All you have to do is enter your details below and I will email it straight back to you.
Once you get it, print it and simply draw an X through each date on the calendar that you complete the challenge. You’ll be surprised at how good this feels.
Of course, feel free to recruit friends, family, and coworkers to join you from afar for even better results! Accountability adds a sprinkle of magic to a project like this and it’s good to cheer each other on too…
Let me know in the comments below how you are getting on or, alternatively, you can popup in my Facebook Group and share your experience there. 🙂
Cheers to a strong & fit May… and hopefully one where we’re reintegrating into normal life!
P.S. You know the score by now… when you sign up for the No Quarantine 15 fitness challenge you will also be signed up to my newsletter from which you can unsubscribe with 1 click. It’s that simple.