I consider myself to be fairly anti-social. In previous careers I did well thanks to my ability to fly under people’s radars unnoticed. Despite this I occasionally connect with awesome people on the internet and make a media appearance.
In fact, I am totally comfortable with this by now and, dare I say it, I actually enjoy it.
If you’d like me to be a guest expert in your community, podcast, radio show or vlog download my media kit on the right to see my signature topics. Of course, if you’d like me to cover a specific topic please feel free to reach out and I’ll do my best to help.
Below is a collection of links to show you where I made a media appearance so far.
Some guest appearances are missing from this page as they happened in closed communities so I’ll only mention them.
As you will notice I used to trade under a different name: SMART Fitness Makeover. Over time I got tired of that name and changed it to Too Old To Tumble, hence most media appearances are attributed to my old website.
Some of the links are quite old but have sentimental value so I am listing them even if they are no longer relevant to what I do.
Ready? Here we go… most recent appearance first…