This is not a blog post that I planned to write. Ever. But since we are experiencing something unprecedented I thought it would be best to collate some information that will help you stay safe as the pandemic rages on.
You could say that now, more than ever, we are living in uncertain times. No doubt.
And given that CERTAINTY is the #1 need all humans have, it’s no wonder things have gone off the rails so quickly.
People need to know they’re going to be ok. But that’s not what they are hearing from those who should step up as leaders and give reassurance.
And that certainty – whether it’s with their health, finances, or even a semblance of normal life has been ripped away in a matter of days and weeks for so many. For us in the UK, we have the added uncertainty of whether our freedom to move around, work, commute and so on will also be taken away. Or maybe it won’t and it will be a case of “only the strong survive”.
What really annoys me is the 24/7/365 news hype that is fueling mass hysteria instead of reassuring people that they can and will get over this challenge if they stay calm and sensible.
No matter what your feelings on the situation are, a pandemic is out of everyone’s personal control.
But what’s NEVER out of your control is how you are choosing to think and act in this time.
Even in the most scary, uncertain times, there’s always a flip side.
There’s always opportunity.
I believe that those who focus on finding opportunity will emerge THRIVING with an even better quality of life. I know it’s hard to see it right now but bear with me.
I believe that you can use the challenge of social isolation as a gift or become a victim to it. I encourage you to focus on the former.
Here are a few areas of your life where you can focus your attention in this strange time:
1. Improve relationships
If you’re staying at home, you have been given extra time to bond with your family and friends. Whether in person or over Facetime. We get so busy in our lives that we neglect those closest to us so often. This is an opportunity to reconnect in a powerful way.
Remember when 9/11 happened and we all pulled closer together? We got over the unprecedented levels of uncertainty back then, we will do it again.
2. Get super fit and healthy
If you always felt pressed for time before, you may find yourself with extra time now – especially if you are isolating.
Assuming you found groceries in the shops, this is a great time to cook delicious, healthy meals at home. Learn or create new recipes. Experiment. Discover new things you enjoy.
Workout DAILY in your home (even if you have no equipment!).
Do you remember that hula hoop you bought some time ago but never took out of the box? Now is the perfect time to finally have a go. You’ll find plenty of free tutorials on YouTube.
Or maybe you always fancied having a go at Tai Chi but, again, you never found a local class… again YouTube is your friend.
In order to throw a solid line of defense against any virus, not just the CoVid-19, your health MUST be your top priority in times like these.
Sleep more, stress less and cut back on cakes and biscuits. Do these the other way round, i.e. sleep less, stress more and binge on cakes and you will kill your immune system.
This is of paramount importance if you suffer from any kind of diabetes, whether it’s type I or type II. Make absolutely sure that your insulin levels are spot on because excess sugar into the blood stream will lower your immune defenses placing you at increased risk of being hit and being hit hard by the virus.
When I went to the shops to get cat food earlier today I found all the meat gone, all the pasta and flour gone (sugars) and all the eggs gone. However, I was able to stock up on Hot Rocket salad, potatoes and tomatoes at a reduced price because nobody is buying the very things that would help them stay healthy. Capitalise on this!
If you are not 100% confident that your diet gives you enough support for the immune system the supplements that will help you the most are Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. But you always want to cover all bases with a broad spectrum multivitamin & minerals supplement. Just add the rest on top until the health scare has gone.
Stay hydrated and keep the air at home moist if you can. All you need is a bowl of water near the radiator or simply hang your laundry indoors.
Relax, nap, have an orange.
3. Indulge in self-growth
Read more. Listen to podcasts. Journal and uncover what you want out of life from now on. Again – all of those things you never made time for are perfect for right now.
Hate that job you’re away from anyway? Craft your business plan. Browse Job sites. Network on LinkedIn. Most networking groups I know of local to me have switched to online conferencing and live streaming so that people can still talk to each other and present their businesses without having to be in the same room.
I, for one, will be making the most out of this as, although I live surrounded by beautiful countryside, I have to travel long distances to attend networking events. Now I just need to be presentable from the waist up!
Use this time to DECIDE who you want to become. And then go for it.
Remember this:
Your thoughts control your emotions. Your emotions control your actions. Your actions today control your future outcomes.
Know where you want to be when this blows over, as it inevitably will at some point.
Align your thoughts with that now so you can create it.
If you allow your thoughts to become consumed by negativity, that is the result you’ll have weeks, months, or years down the road. How we react to this crisis is largely a choice, for better or for worse.
Together, IRL or virtually, we will get through this.
What opportunity do you see for yourself through all of this?
Let me know in the comments below!
What a great post with so much to consider doing. I’ve been focusing on reaching out to family, friends, those on my facebook and groups letting them know I’m here and support them. Sometimes people don’t respond and sometimes they do. The ones that do seem grateful to break out of the silence of isolation. Others still want to stay there is seems. I’ll keep being there! I’m finding how important it is to be relational and am doing more to be there on my business pages as well. Life doesn’t stop just because of the virus although it’s turned everyone’s world upside down.
I’m definitely learning what’s most important, eating healthy and enjoying the small things I have to be grateful for. I do get apprehensive at times but I work to deal with it and keep on doing what is needed. My dogs and cats are a comfort and appreciate I have them. I reach out more to my grown kids and grandkids and it feels nice to do so.
We all will get through this and doing so together seems much better. It is just a lot of uncertainty and we humans don’t like that.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! Great to hear you are managing to stay positive 🙂